Am Sonntag, dem 19.02.2023 um 03:34 -0300 schrieb Leandro Cunha:
> Hi,
> For some consistency please request the removal of this package
> including unstable. It makes no sense to have the name of an IDE and
> install a Java LayoutManager to allow placement in absolute positions.
> I even agree with the removal, but it must be done correctly and in
> such a way that I don't find this package in the repository via
> and as if exist.
> I'll let whoever takes care of this package do that.
> Thanks!

If you want to re-introduce the Netbeans IDE, please do! Use the current source
package, prepare your work, find a sponsor and upload it to Debian. However the
Java team will not remove a source package from Debian just "for consistency".
We don't rename source packages just to re-introduce them later under a
different name, only to produce the same binary package as the current package
again. This would be completely nonsensical and a whole lot of make-work for
all involved parties, mostly the ftp-team and the Java team itself.

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