On Mon, 2006-05-15 at 15:02 +0200, Michael Vogt wrote:

> Do you have a backtrace of the crash? It seems to work for me (latest
> sid). 

Since it wouldn't happen when scite was run from a terminal, a rebuild
fixes it and there are no debug symbols in the package, I didn't think
that would help.

To top it all off, now I don't see it any more. GAH. I haven't upgraded
any dependencies since I started seeing it till

I think perhaps this bug should be downgraded to normal and retitled
"heisencrashes occur sometimes, but never in a terminal" or something.

> > BTW, would you like a co-maintainer for scite? I'm not a DD yet, but
> > perhaps you could sponsor any uploads until FD/DAM approve my
> > application.
> Certainly! I'm happy about any help, if you send me patches/debdiffs
> I'll be happy to sponsor stuff for you.

I'll prepare an upload fixing as many bugs as I can, and file a wishlist
bug attaching the diff.



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