Santiago Vila wrote:
> For completeness: Would it make sense to add an indication, somewhere, about 
> the way
> to create the .exe from the .cs? This is something that surely everybody using
> mono knows, but I had to search for it. I guess this would be correct:
> mcs -out:csharpexec-test.exe csharpexec-test.cs

That's how one would do it today, yes, if one were to modify csharpexec-test.cs.
But the way I did it in 2005, IIRC, was to use the Pnet C# compiler:

  cscc -o csharpexec-test.exe csharpexec-test.cs

since, at that time, this was the only way to create a .exe that worked with
both ilrun (pnet) and mono. The Pnet C# tools, by now, are long gone from

> I don't think a Makefile is required for that, but if it's done in a Makefile,
> it would help if it's not triggered by automake maintainer's mode (not sure if
> that's possible), as I'm currently running autoreconf and this would force me
> to add an extra build-dependency just for a single file.

No, you shouldn't rebuild that file, because when you use mcs version X to
build it, it will not be able run with mono versions Y, for Y < X. _If_ you
want to rebuild it, you should use a very old mcs version for doing that.


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