Source: pylint
Version: 2.16.2-1
Severity: serious

=================================== FAILURES ===================================
___________ test_functional[alternative_union_syntax_regession_8119] ___________

self = <pylint.testutils.lint_module_test.LintModuleTest object at 

    def runTest(self) -> None:
>       self._runTest()
E       AssertionError: Wrong results for file 
E         Unexpected in testdata:
E           20: non-parent-init-called
E           23: access-member-before-definition
E           24: attribute-defined-outside-init
E         Actual pylint output for this file:
E         OutputLine(symbol='non-parent-init-called', lineno=20, column=8, 
end_lineno=20, end_column=28, object='Child.__init__', msg="__init__ method 
from a non direct base class 'Coordinator' is called", confidence='UNDEFINED')
E         OutputLine(symbol='access-member-before-definition', lineno=23, 
column=15, end_lineno=23, end_column=35, object='Child._async_update_data', 
msg="Access to member 'update_interval' before its definition line 24", 
E         OutputLine(symbol='attribute-defined-outside-init', lineno=24, 
column=8, end_lineno=24, end_column=28, object='Child._async_update_data', 
msg="Attribute 'update_interval' defined outside __init__", 
E       assert Counter() == Counter({(20, 'non-parent-init-called'): 1, (23, 
'access-member-before-definition'): 1, (24, 'attribute-defined-outside-init'): 
E         Right contains 3 more items:
E         {(20, 'non-parent-init-called'): 1,
E          (23, 'access-member-before-definition'): 1,
E          (24, 'attribute-defined-outside-init'): 1}
E         Full diff:
E         + Counter(,
E         - Counter({(20, 'non-parent-init-called'): 1,
E         -          (23, 'access-member-before-definition'): 1,
E         -          (24, 'attribute-defined-outside-init'): 1},
E           )

__________________ test_functional[wrong_exception_operation] __________________

self = <pylint.testutils.lint_module_test.LintModuleTest object at 

    def runTest(self) -> None:
>       self._runTest()
E       AssertionError: Wrong results for file "wrong_exception_operation":
E         Expected in testdata:
E            6: catching-non-exception
E         Actual pylint output for this file:
E         OutputLine(symbol='wrong-exception-operation', lineno=6, column=8, 
end_lineno=6, end_column=30, object='', msg="Invalid exception operation. Did 
you mean '(ValueError, TypeError)' instead?", confidence='UNDEFINED')
E         OutputLine(symbol='wrong-exception-operation', lineno=11, column=8, 
end_lineno=11, end_column=30, object='', msg="Invalid exception operation. Did 
you mean '(ValueError, TypeError)' instead?", confidence='UNDEFINED')
E         OutputLine(symbol='wrong-exception-operation', lineno=17, column=8, 
end_lineno=17, end_column=30, object='', msg="Invalid exception operation. Did 
you mean '(ValueError, TypeError)' instead?", confidence='UNDEFINED')
E       assert Counter({(6, 'catching-non-exception'): 1, (6, 
'wrong-exception-operation'): 1, (11, 'wrong-exception-operation'): 1, (17, 
'wrong-exception-operation'): 1}) == Counter({(6, 'wrong-exception-operation'): 
1, (11, 'wrong-exception-operation'): 1, (17, 'wrong-exception-operation'): 1})
E         Common items:
E         {(6, 'wrong-exception-operation'): 1,
E          (11, 'wrong-exception-operation'): 1,
E          (17, 'wrong-exception-operation'): 1}
E         Left contains 1 more item:
E         {(6, 'catching-non-exception'): 1}
E         Full diff:
E         + Counter({(6, 'catching-non-exception'): 1,
E         - Counter({(6, 'wrong-exception-operation'): 1,
E         ? ^^^^^^^^^
E         +          (6, 'wrong-exception-operation'): 1,
E         ? ^^^^^^^^^
E                    (11, 'wrong-exception-operation'): 1,
E                    (17, 'wrong-exception-operation'): 1},
E           )

=========================== short test summary info ============================
FAILED tests/[wrong_exception_operation]
= 2 failed, 1301 passed, 235 skipped, 18 deselected, 2 xfailed, 13 warnings in 
125.87s (0:02:05) =
E: pybuild pybuild:388: test: plugin pyproject failed with: exit code=1: cd 
/tmp/autopkgtest-lxc.95wzdhnm/downtmp/autopkgtest_tmp/build; python3.11 -m 
pytest -vvvv -k 'not test_pkginfo and not 
test_do_not_import_files_from_local_directory and not 
test_import_plugin_from_local_directory_if_pythonpath_cwd and not 
test_can_list_directories_without_dunder_init and not test_fail_on_exit_code 
and not test__test_environ_pythonpath_no_arg and not 
test_linter_with_unpickleable_plugins_is_pickleable and not 
test_allow_reexport_package and not test_writing_minimal_file' {build_dir}/tests
pybuild-autopkgtest: error: pybuild --autopkgtest --test-pytest -i 
python{version} -p 3.11 returned exit code 13
make: *** [/tmp/C9ek_qqAsA/run:4: pybuild-autopkgtest] Error 25
pybuild-autopkgtest: error: /tmp/C9ek_qqAsA/run pybuild-autopkgtest returned 
exit code 2
autopkgtest [09:20:03]: test pybuild-autopkgtest: -----------------------]
autopkgtest [09:20:03]: test pybuild-autopkgtest:  - - - - - - - - - - results 
- - - - - - - - - -
pybuild-autopkgtest  FAIL non-zero exit status 25

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