On 02.03.23 14:32, наб wrote:
I had gotten p-s-g to work with just "orno" after posting, yes,
but only because I was reading netsnmp_mib_api(3),
and its "ENVIRONMENT VARIABLES" sexion notes MIBDIRS and MIBS,
which appear to funxion à la /e/s/s.c mibdirs and mibs,
so the invocation that I've gotten to work is
   MIBS=+ORNO-MIB prometheus-snmp-generator generate

That also doesn't align with my experience p-s-g (up until about 18 months ago). I had the "standard" MIBs on the system (via snmp-mibs-downloader), and some third-party MIBs in ~/.mibs. I commented out the "mibs :" line in /etc/snmp/snmp.conf, so that the tools would use the MIBs in the default locations.

I was able to run p-s-g without any special environment variables, and it just "magically" found all necessary MIBs that I referenced in generator.yml.

I didn't really see anything in the changelog that would imply anything
has changed in this regard, and my only sid system is x32, which you
don't build for, apparently.

Unfortunately that's beyond my control. The Build-Deps are not available on x32 - https://buildd.debian.org/status/package.php?p=prometheus-snmp-exporter

I did manage to generate, p-s-e is not the right tool for my use-case,
so it doesn't really matter either way.

Please close this bug if you don't wish to pursue it further.

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