tags 1032614 moreinfo
user release.debian.org
usertag 1032614 unblock
affects 1032614 src:ddcutil

Hi Sanford,

On Fri, 10 Mar 2023 01:04:18 -0500 Sanford Rockowitz <rockow...@minsoft.com> wrote:
Bug report #1031259 vs ddcutil 1.4.1-1 suggests installing files in
/usr/lib/modules-load.d to ensure that driver i2c-dev is loaded at system
startup, avoiding the possible need for user configuration after package
installation.  The change was made in the upstream source, and ddcutil 1.4.2-1
was uploaded to mentors on 2023-02-22.

The package sponsor, Andrey Rakhmatullin, has suggested that a pre-approval
request be submitted at this point before uploading from mentors to sid.

The change consists of 2 new files installed into /usr/lib/modules-load.d, an
updated Changelog.md file, along with modified DEBIAN/changelog,
DEBIAN/ddcutil.install, DEBIAN/libddcutil4.install, and updates to relevant
Autotools files.

If you would have used reportbug against the release.debian.org package, these suggestions would have been in the template below (and the user tag would have been set correctly). Can you please fill in the parts you haven't covered yet?

I'm not sure I like the proposed change in behavior at this stage of the release, particularly because there's no other package shipping files in /usr/lib/modules-load.d (according to a quick search). Can you comment on that?


(Please provide enough (but not too much) information to help
the release team to judge the request efficiently. E.g. by
filling in the sections below.)

[ Reason ]
(Explain what the reason for the unblock request is.)

[ Impact ]
(What is the impact for the user if the unblock isn't granted?)

[ Tests ]
(What automated or manual tests cover the affected code?)

[ Risks ]
(Discussion of the risks involved. E.g. code is trivial or
complex, key package vs leaf package, alternatives available.)

[ Checklist ]
  [ ] all changes are documented in the d/changelog
  [ ] I reviewed all changes and I approve them
  [ ] attach debdiff against the package in testing

[ Other info ]
(Anything else the release team should know.)

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