
On 10/03/23 at 23:25 +0000, Samuel Henrique wrote:
> Hello Daniel
> > > I couldn't find anything in the release notes which look like a
> > > breaking change[0]
> >
> > Lots of people and CI systems run all the tests flawlessly all the time, so
> > there is reason to suspect that there is something slightly unusual in your
> > test setup that causes these problems. Meaning that I suspect this is not a
> > curl problem, this is a curl test problem.
> >
> > Are these problems different or the same as the ones already filed at
> > https://github.com/curl/curl/issues/10682 ?
> I think it's a different issue, we have good evidence that those
> failures are triggered by an IPv6-only host and I acknowledge your
> solution to document that tests require IPv4 support for now.
> Salvatore can double check but the build logs indicate that the host
> used to build lnav had an IPv4 address.
> I also don't think lnav is running any of the curl's tests, but rather
> making use of the curl library to run their tests, which leads me to
> believe that whatever issue it is, it has to be something very
> specific and uncommon (and not related to curl's tests), otherwise
> there would be more reports.
> By the way I should have replied on that issue just in case: but feel
> free to close it if you'd like to track IPv6-only support somewhere
> else, or to rename it if you'd like to use it to track support for
> that. Me and sergiodj are thinking about giving it a try at solving
> that but we're not sure when (in the packaging, for now, we are
> ignoring those test results).
> Me and sergiodj are also currently investigating a test issue related
> to ppc64el, we have got some good insights already, but would like to
> fully understand what's going on and have a patch ready before
> reporting. Also that issue only affects curl's own tests so it can't
> be related to this.
> Cheers,

Regarding the issue I reported in this bug:

This triggers on a host with both IPv4 and IPv6.

With curl 7.88.1-6, both tests test_sql_fs_func.sh and test_sql_fs_func.sh fail

With curl 7.87.0-2, test_sql_fs_func.sh fails and test_sql_str_func.sh passes

The failure for test_sql_str_func.sh with version 7.88.1-6 is:

Command: test: env TEST_COMMENT=invalid_url ./drive_sql
BEGIN test_sql_str_func.sh_3855d2cc0ab29171cae8e722f130adec25eae36e.out
END   test_sql_str_func.sh_3855d2cc0ab29171cae8e722f130adec25eae36e.out
BEGIN test_sql_str_func.sh_3855d2cc0ab29171cae8e722f130adec25eae36e.err
error: sqlite3_exec failed -- 
lnav-error:{"level":"error","message":{"str":"invalid URL: 
“https://bad@[fe::”","attrs":[]},"reason":{"str":"Bad IPv6 
END   test_sql_str_func.sh_3855d2cc0ab29171cae8e722f130adec25eae36e.err
ERR: test: env TEST_COMMENT=invalid_url ./drive_sql
   2022-10-11 03:12:58.000000000 +0000
+++ test_sql_str_func.sh_3855d2cc0ab29171cae8e722f130adec25eae36e.err   
2023-03-11 07:27:53.862049124 +0000
@@ -1 +1 @@
-error: sqlite3_exec failed -- 
lnav-error:{"level":"error","message":{"str":"invalid URL: 
“https://bad@[fe::”","attrs":[]},"reason":{"str":"Port number was not a decimal 
number between 0 and 
+error: sqlite3_exec failed -- 
lnav-error:{"level":"error","message":{"str":"invalid URL: 
“https://bad@[fe::”","attrs":[]},"reason":{"str":"Bad IPv6 

The failure for test_sql_fs_func.sh is:

Command: test: ./drive_sql select joinpath('foo', 'bar', 'baz', '/root')
BEGIN test_sql_fs_func.sh_73df81c6889d1f06fb3f3b6bf30c6046b3f52c8b.out
Row 0:
  Column joinpath('foo', 'bar', 'baz', '{top_srcdir_parent}'): 
END   test_sql_fs_func.sh_73df81c6889d1f06fb3f3b6bf30c6046b3f52c8b.out
OUT: test: ./drive_sql select joinpath('foo', 'bar', 'baz', '/root')
    2022-10-11 03:12:58.000000000 +0000
+++ test_sql_fs_func.sh_73df81c6889d1f06fb3f3b6bf30c6046b3f52c8b.out    
2023-03-11 07:26:52.144915467 +0000
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
 Row 0:
-  Column joinpath('foo', 'bar', 'baz', '/root'): /root
+  Column joinpath('foo', 'bar', 'baz', '{top_srcdir_parent}'): 
BEGIN test_sql_fs_func.sh_73df81c6889d1f06fb3f3b6bf30c6046b3f52c8b.err
END   test_sql_fs_func.sh_73df81c6889d1f06fb3f3b6bf30c6046b3f52c8b.err
FAIL test_sql_fs_func.sh (exit status: 1)


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