Severity: important

Yesterday I tried several times to submit a patch to fix a bug[1] I had
I had reported moments earlier. I received automated rejections to my
first three attempts to submit the patch. After each rejection, I
modified my message slightly trying to determine what was causing the
rejection. For the fourth attempt I modified the commit message of the
change and regenerated the patch using 'git format-patch'. Previous to
this, the summary line of the commit included a "Closes:" message, but
when I moved that part of the line into the long description, my
mail was accepted. I think the original commit message in the patch was
getting mis-parsed as an email header somehow. I've attached a tarball
of the full source of all four original messages along with the
rejection responses to the first three. (I thought about just adding
the individual messages as attachments, but I wouldn't be surprised if
that resulted in this message being rejected by the same issue.)



Attachment: 1032816-messages.tar.gz
Description: application/gzip

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