On Sat, 2023-03-11 at 14:41 -0700, Soren Stoutner wrote:

>  * URL              : https://www.stoutner.com/privacy-browser-pc/
>   privacybrowser - web browser that respects your privacy

I note that this browser depends on Qt WebEngine, all the Qt based web
engines are not security supported in Debian. I encourage you to switch
to a browser engine that is security supported, or discuss with the
Debian and upstream Qt web engine maintainers to add such support.

 * qtwebengine-opensource-src: No security support upstream and
   backports not feasible, only for use on trusted content
 * qtwebkit: No security support upstream and backports not feasible,
   only for use on trusted content
 * qtwebkit-opensource-src: No security support upstream and backports
   not feasible, only for use on trusted content
 * kde4libs: khtml has no security support upstream, only for use on
   trusted content
 * khtml: khtml has no security support upstream, only for use on
   trusted content, see #1004293



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