Control: tags -1 moreinfo unreproducible

Please accept my apologies that it took me so long to react.

On Sun, 23 Oct 2022 09:55:58 +0300,
Paul Gevers wrote:
> On 22-10-2022 22:06, Daniel Savi wrote:
> > My previous release is: bullseye
> > I am upgrading to: bookworm
> > Archive date: unknown
> > Upgrade date: 10-22-22
> > 
> > - Did any packages fail to upgrade?
> > gnustep-base-common could not be upgraded due to a versioning
> > conflict. Happened on two independent systems. The upgrade to
> > bookworm failed for that reason.  Removing gnustep-base-common
> > prior to the upgrade helped.

Unfortunately I could not reproduce this on an i386 machine.  I made a
fresh standard install of bullseye and then installed the "gnustep"
package.  Afterwards I upgraded to bookworm with the usual procedure
(apt upgrade; apt full-upgrade) -- everything went smoothly.

Daniel, could you please provide logs and/or more information, perhaps
some unusual setup or specific combination of installed packages that
triggers the problem?

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