Hey Paul and LVM team:

I faced this issue and manage to write a initramfs-tool boot script to fix this.

Put the enclosure script in `/etc/initramfs-tools/scripts/local-top` and run `update-initramfs -k all -u`, the initramfs boot stage will run this script and wait for the root device becoming `complete` status. If it does not complete in 2 minutes, it will stop waiting and continue boot.

To write or debug the initramfs script, the `initramfs-tools(7)` would be helpful.

As my realization, to fix this issue in lvm2 package, we should make `/usr/share/initramfs-tools/scripts/local-top/lvm2` check the status of the activated LV. Please tell me if I can help to merge my script into the existing lvm2 initramfs script.

I am new to debian community. This is the first time I write a initramfs-script, though I am already experienced in normalĀ  shell script.

I also asked and answered this issue on stack-exchange community; it may be helpful if you want to know more details: tabopen https://superuser.com/questions/1773241/raid-1-lv-partially-up-and-unable-to-repair-the-down-rimage-is-missing

May the source be with you

linux user, amateur web developer, geomatics major.
blog: http://gholk.github.io

Attachment: initramfs-lvm-raid-wait.sh
Description: application/shellscript

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