Control: tag -1 wontfix
Control: retitle -1 Add ARC signatures to outgoing mail

On Sun, 19 Mar 2023, наб wrote:
> This is slightly similar to #838601 (but I can't repro that particular
> issue, since my MUA encodes in UTF-8) and #804421 (but that's wider).
> Every time I submit a bug, I get at least one forensic report from
> strikemail now. This has started to happen on the 28th of February,
> so I'm assuming some strikemail user subscribed to the distro list.

Thanks for the report; I've unsubscribed the user in question.

As far as ARC signing, because it's not widely supported (the RFC is
still experimental) it's unlikely to fix this particular issue. [Once it
is more widely supported, I wouldn't be against adding support, but I
don't think it's worth the effort now.]

If we want to support DKIM we're going to have to do from rewriting, and
I've been resisting doing that for a while.

Don Armstrong            

"You have many years to live--do things you will be proud to remember
when you are old."
 -- Shinka proverb. (John Brunner _Stand On Zanzibar_ p413)

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