Adding to this thread/bug-report per salt project and Debian packaging, salt
is unfortunately probably not a good candidate for the Debian ecosystem.

The salt project current (2023-04) published lifecycle only lists 1.5 years of
support for typical releases.  After that their "extended life support" is
really "best-effort technical support for customers" with "No bug fixes, [or]
security fixes".

This is clearly short of the Debian stable target support period of 3 years.

Salt Project Product support lifecycle excerpt:

Salt version    Phase 1 support ends    Phase 2 support ends    Phase 3 support 
ends    Extended life support 

3005            Feb 25, 2023            Aug 25, 2023            Feb 25, 2024    
        Feb 25, 2025
3004            Apr 18, 2022            Oct 18, 2022            Apr 18, 2023    
        Apr 18, 2024
3003            Sep 30, 2021            Mar 31, 2022            Sep 30, 2022    
        Sep 30, 2023
3002            Apr 21, 2021            Oct 21, 2021            Apr 21, 2022    
        Apr 21, 2023
3001            Dec 31, 2020            Jun 30, 2021            Dec 31, 2021    
        Dec 31, 2022
3000            Aug 31, 2020            Feb 28, 2021            Aug 31, 2021    
        Aug 31, 2022
2019.2          Sep 30, 2019            Mar 31, 2020            Sep 30, 2020    
        Sep 30, 2021
2018.3          Oct 31, 2018            Apr 30, 2019            Oct 31, 2019    
        Oct 31, 2020
2017.7          Jan 31, 2018            Jun 30, 2018            Aug 30, 2019    
        Dec 31, 2019
2016.3          Nov 30, 2016            May 31, 2017            Nov 30, 2017    
        Nov 30, 2018
2015.8          Mar 31, 2016            Sep 30, 2016            Mar 31, 2017    
        Mar 31, 2018
2015.5          Nov 31, 2015            May 31, 2016            Nov 30, 2016    
        Nov 30, 2017
2014.7          May 31, 2015            Nov 30, 2015            May 31, 2016    
        May 31, 2017


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