Hi Ondřej, Moritz,

On 04-04-2023 08:58, Ondřej Surý wrote:
In all honesty, I thought that the pre-negotiated exception for PHP
does apply to all future Debian releases, so it did come as surprise
that I have to explain this again.

Sorry, that wasn't my intention. Maybe I should try to keep a better log, as there's not many things "pre-negotiated". My memory isn't great. If you would have pointed me at the earlier discussion, all would have been well I assume.

Anyways, Sebastian already unblocked on 31 Mar when he closed this bug.

On 04-04-2023 20:07, Moritz Mühlenhoff wrote:
> If we would add the list of source packages which are following micro releases
> in stable-security to a machine-parseable list (e.g. somewhere in the
> Security Tracker repo), would that be useful to enhance release
> management tooling (e.g. by automatically annotating unblock requests
> or similar?)

Do you have any idea how many packages are in that set. Yes if that were public that would help. In this case, I only created the unblock bug myself to have a place for this discussion, because I noticed RC bugs fixed in unstable in a key package (which was thus blocked). As the upload had much more than the RC bug fix, I was unsure what to due, hence the question. *I* normally use udd bug views [1,2] to do my regular checking, so if we can get this information in udd, at least in *my* workflow it could be included.


[1] https://udd.debian.org/dev/cgi-bin/rcblog7.cgi (top paragraph linking "blocked (freeze)" to [2]) [2] https://udd.debian.org/dev/bugs.cgi?merged=ign&rc=1&format=html&release=bookworm_not_sid&mig-ready=ign&mig-blocked=only&keypackages=only&cpopcon=1&chints=1&ckeypackage=1&ctags=1&cdeferred=1&caffected=1&cmissingbuilds=1&clastupload=1&crttags=1&cautormtime=1&cwhykey=1&cbritney=1&sortby=last_modified&sorto=asc&#results

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