HiĀ Andreas,

On Thu, 2023-04-06 at 18:45 +0200, Andreas Henriksson wrote:
> Hello Chris,
> On Thu, Apr 06, 2023 at 04:37:30PM +0100, Christopher Obbard wrote:
> > Hi Andreas,
> > 
> > As the upstream maintainer, I can just tag a new version upstream as 1.1.2 
> > & pick that in Debian.
> > Then I hope it can flow into bookworm?
> I wonder if the release team will accept a new upstream release at this
> point in the freeze.... We're pretty deep into the hard freeze at this
> point (but I don't have enough insight into how the release team works
> these days, it seems much more relaxed than in the old times where I was
> more involved and basically any extra character would get you a NACK,
> specially an "unneccessary" upstream version number change).
> Do you have time to do all the work and still accept a potential NO from
> the release team? Please be honest to yourself.
> IMHO it feels much safer to just go with a targeted upload (which is now
> also already approved), but if you feel strongly about it and also think
> you have time to pursue a new release then just send me a NACK on the
> NMU (ASAP! I'm ready to upload *now*) and I will not pursue it.

Let's go with your NMU, since you've done all of the work already, then I
will upload the new version into unstable once development opens.

How does that sound?

PS: Can you push your source to salsa?


> > 
> > The past few months have been... quite crazy in my personal life so I
> > haven't gotten around to doing this as yet. Huge apologies for that,
> > it is on my radar this week.
> > 
> > Hope that is acceptable to you?
> No need to apologize. We're all busy sometimes and that's why we have
> NMUs so we can help each other out. (I've also been quite busy or the
> NMU would have happened much sooner in the release cycle.)
> Thanks for all the work you have had time to do!
> > 
> > Thanks,
> > 
> > Chris
> Regards,
> Andreas Henriksson
> PS. Feel free to ignore my NMU and just upload the new upstream release
> once we're past the freeze/release and the development opens up again.

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