Also could you also give the wireplumber log


Le mardi 11 avril 2023 à 14:30 +0200, Alban Browaeys a écrit :
> Le dimanche 09 avril 2023 à 15:03 -0500, Lucas a écrit :
> > I should have let you know when I created it, but I still have no
> > feedback from a bug report I wrote to the pipewire developers:
> >
> > 
> "Multichannel Output" Profile disappeared after I ran JACK (ardour),
> and I only see again now on a fresh startup.
> Do you mean it disappeared from pavucontrol when you run JACK from
> ardour ?
> What I meant is that you cannot run pipewire and jackd at the same
> time ? I cannot work as one will prevent the other from accessing the
> ALSA sound device.
> If you want to run JACK application whne running pipewire you can
> only do so by pipewire-jackd and disabling jackd. 
> This is not a pipewire bug. jackd also cannot work if the sound
> device is already taken by an alsa program or any other daemon
> plugging to the alsa interface (pipewire, pulseaudio), it could work
> because for one pulseaudio aut suspend itself from time to time so
> the alsa sound device is free when so. But then when pulseaudio will
> resume and your jackd daemon is holding on the alsa sound device
> pulseaudio will not work. This is not supported (for pulseaudio you
> could use the pasuspend tool, still it is  hack).
> Also:
> Gnome Settings Output Device contains nothing to select, while Input
> allows "Analog Input - STUDIO-CAPTURE" and "STUDIO-CAPTURE Pro". The
> only way to have output audio working is to use pavucontrol and
> select either of the STUDIO-CAPTURE Profile Configurations
> "Multichannel Output", or "Pro Audio".  
> and:
> That "Multichannel Output" Profile disappeared after I ran JACK
> (ardour), and I only see again now on a fresh startup.
> seems to be two different issue. You should report both in two
> diffrent bug report else it the bug report will get confusing soon.
> My reply was about the second issue (which to me look like a normal
> behavior).
> For the first one, I am a bit confused. You mean that even in
> pavucontrol if you do not switch to the STUDIO-CAPTURE Profile
> Configurations "Multichannel Output", or "Pro Audio" you cannot set a
> sound output device?
> If you bug report upstream you could try to run pipewire built from
> source (you just have to stop pipewire related systemd user services,
> ie systemctl --user stop pipewire.service, etc).
> Also there is a newer pipewire version 0.3.76 in Debian rc-buggy
> (experimental).
> > I guessed it was a "port detection" issue after reading this
> > response on the original poster's bug report:
> >
> > 
> Could you provide the same debug logs as this bug reporter did?
> loginctl user-status | grep State
> lsof /dev/snd/*
> fuser -v /dev/snd/*
> aplay -l
> journalctl --user -b --unit pipewire.service
> and maybe also 
> journalctl --user -b --unit pipewire-pulse.service
> pipewire --version
> and why not the output when running gnome-control-center from a
> terminal:
> gnome-control-center --verbose sound
> Still could you try with pipewire-jack instead of jackd (even if you
> prefer to run jackd only while running a jack application.
> Cheers
> Alban
> > 
> > On Sun, Apr 9, 2023 at 1:33 PM Lucas <> wrote:
> > > On Fri, Apr 7, 2023 at 7:57 PM Alban Browaeys
> > > <> wrote:
> > > >
> > > > Do you have jackd installed and runnning at the same time as
> > > pipewire-
> > > > pulse?
> > > > Maybe you want to try piepwire-jack instead?
> > > >
> > > > Cheers,
> > > > Alban
> > > >
> > > 
> > > I appreciate the suggestion, but since I also use multiple
> > > devices
> > > with JACK, it's only running when I want to record and use a
> > > specific
> > > profile/device.  Ardour will start it using the last used
> > > (default)
> > > profile, but only when I've not already started JACK from
> > > qjackctl to
> > > use another profile.  I think having it always running may
> > > complicate
> > > this setup I've grown accustomed to.  Are you aware of any issues
> > > trying to stop JACK (to use other rates and devices) when using
> > > pipewire-jack?
> > > 
> > > Thanks,
> > >   Lucas
> > 
> > 
> > -- 
> > Protect your digital freedom and privacy, eliminate DRM, learn more
> > at
> > On a related note, also see
> >

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