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On 07.04.23 15:49, Thomas Dorner wrote:
While setting up a new Wine environment winetricks aborted with the
following error:
I can't reproduce this issue. What steps exactly did you issue that failed?
With the same packages installed I successfully did the following tests:
rm -rf .wine
winetricks vcrun2019
rm -rf .wine
winetricks vcrun2019
rm -rf .wine
it looks like wine32 is missing, you should install it.
multiarch needs to be enabled first. as root, please
execute "dpkg --add-architecture i386 && apt-get update &&
apt-get install wine32:i386"
This is an error message from Wine. Winetricks doesn't look for "wine32".
Please remove the hardlink again and report the output of "wine --version".
You may also reinstall wine (apt purge wine wine32 wine64 && apt install
wine wine32 wine64) and check again.
Thanks and greets