This is now done.

I had some problems getting it uploaded via ftp.

$ dput libnss-unknown_0.0.2-4_source.changes
Trying to upload package to ftp-master (
Checking signature on .changes
Valid signature from A63A58A3F2E17569
Checking signature on .dsc
gpg: /home/rrs/NoBackup/Community/Packaging/libnss-unknown_0.0.2-4.dsc: Valid 
signature from A63A58A3F2E17569
Uploading to ftp-master (via ftp to
  Uploading libnss-unknown_0.0.2-4.dsc: 229 Extended Passive Mode Entered 

But luckily ssh upload worked proper.

$ dput ssh-upload libnss-unknown_0.0.2-4_source.changes
Checking signature on .changes
Valid signature from A63A58A3F2E17569
Checking signature on .dsc
gpg: /home/rrs/NoBackup/Community/Packaging/libnss-unknown_0.0.2-4.dsc: Valid 
signature from A63A58A3F2E17569
Uploading to ssh-upload (via scp to
ms: Failure (2) searching keyserver for user id 
The authenticity of host ' (<no hostip for proxy 
command>)' can't be established.
ED25519 key fingerprint is SHA256:/2BewgKzUVkFOkgYWwf4g6PAwWA6F6xBGHk1Nu5+k00.
This key is not known by any other names.
Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no/[fingerprint])? yes
Warning: Permanently added '' (ED25519) to the list of 
known hosts.
                                        100% 1956     5.0KB/s   00:00    
                                        100% 2220     4.4KB/s   00:00    
                                        100% 6401    13.6KB/s   00:00    
                                        100% 2417     6.3KB/s   00:00    
Successfully uploaded packages.

On Wed, 2023-04-12 at 13:26 +0530, Ritesh Raj Sarraf wrote:
> Hello Gioele,
> On Tue, 2023-03-07 at 15:49 +0100, Gioele Barabucci wrote:
> > Dear Ritesh,
> > 
> > a friendly reminder about this bug and the associated patch.
> > 
> > libnss-unknown is the last package in Debian that does not use the 
> > dh_installnss and modifies /etc/nsswitch.conf via maintscripts.
> > 
> > The patch at 
> > 
> > (refreshed for 0.0.2-3) fixes this issue.
> > 
> > Could you please merge this and upload a new package, so that the 
> > transition to dh_installnss will be completed in time for Bookworm?
> > 
> THank you for the patch. I'll merge it now. Not sure if it'll make
> the
> cut to Bookworm but that can be dealt with separately.

Ritesh Raj Sarraf |
Debian - The Universal Operating System

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