Package: libcurl3-nss
Version: 7.88.1-5

Between 7.88.1-2 and 7.88.1-5, there was a change to where curl with
nss looks for loadable libraries:

curl (7.88.1-4) unstable; urgency=medium

  * d/p/
    Prepend "/nss/" before the library name.

Before the change to the load path, curl could find
/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ but not
/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/nss/, after the change it's the
reverse. is enough to get a trust root (the mozilla certificate
store is compiled inside that library), whereas
(1.0.8+1-1) isn't.
This makes it impossible to connect to https servers by default for
programs that use curl with NSS.

Here is a way to test the regression:
debbisect -v --cache=./cache \
  20230306T145638Z 20230306T203828Z \
    'chroot "$1" bash -exuc "
git clone --depth 1
cd curl-rust
time cargo fetch
time cargo build --offline --example https
strace -efile target/debug/examples/https >/dev/null

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