On 2023-04-13 20:39 +0200, Moritz Mühlenhoff wrote:

> The following vulnerability was published for ncurses.
> CVE-2023-29491 was assigned to 
> https://invisible-island.net/ncurses/NEWS.html#index-t20230408
> If you fix the vulnerability please also make sure to include the
> CVE (Common Vulnerabilities & Exposures) id in your changelog entry.
> For further information see:
> [0] https://security-tracker.debian.org/tracker/CVE-2023-29491
>     https://www.cve.org/CVERecord?id=CVE-2023-29491

Security boundaries are only crossed for setuid/setgid programs here,
and we probably do not have many setuid binaries linked to libtinfo in
the distribution (on my system, I could not find any).  So I guess you
probably do not want to issue a DSA here, right?

Gentoo users have noticed a few problems after upgrading to the 20230408
patchlevel[1,2,3], most notably output of openrc being completely
broken.  While we do not have that particular problem because openrc in
Debian is built without ncurses support, I do not currently have an idea
which other packages might show misbehavior.  So I am rather reluctant
to fix this bug before the bookworm release.


1. https://bugs.gentoo.org/904247
2. https://bugs.gentoo.org/904263
3. https://bugs.gentoo.org/904277

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