On Wed, May 17, 2006 at 08:54:25AM +0100, Adrian Bridgett wrote:
> On Tue, May 16, 2006 at 20:59:55 -0500 (-0500), Enrico Zini wrote:
> > We were trying to look for information about upstream, so we looked into
> > the debian/copyright file.  However, the link to upstream points to an
> > Incoming directory (?) and anyway does not work anymore (I get a 404
> > error).
> It certainly was some time ago that I packaged it up and I don't think
> it ever changed since then.

Yes, I guess so too.  The reason we were looking for an upstream link is
because I was talking with a gentoo developer and he wanted to package
xlaby in gentoo, and so he tried to find an upstream link to point to
and to track.

Thanks for getting back so quickly!



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