severity 63995 grave

A solution is available and it's trivial. Just conceal the addresses
from the public web interface and mailing list archives, requiring
authentication to access the full report. This is
what's done in Ubuntu, Red Hat, XFCE, and about just any sensible
project I know of.

And requiring another account or manually reporting each spam is not
a solution. Firstly, another account is unnecessary and
cumbersome, and secondly, reporting spam is not always possible nor
effective to a regular user, and in some cases this "solution" takes
just too much time and effort to be feasible. It's just common sense
that you don't reveal email addresses publicly nor to spammers.

This makes the BTS unusable to anyone who doesn't set up and use an
email account separately and purposefully for that, and which handles
spam effectively. Additionally, this goes against point 4. of the
Debian Social Contract. Raising severity to grave accordingly.

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