Rene Engelhard dixit:

> You as DD should know that stable won't get any updates for this anymore. (And
> it will be oldstable in a short time anyway, even.)

So, who cares?

> So reporting this against stable does not make any sense at all.

It does: it records the issue, so others will know, and requests
the maintainers (both in Debian and upstream) to do something about
it at least in future versions.

> Please try with bookworms package (that one has stable backports, but is

Please do so. You’re in a much better position than I am, I don’t
even have a bookworm/sid system and don’t plan on getting one either.

> (And I still think such bugs should be reported upstream directly)

And I still counter that you are in a much better position than me to
do so. I don’t have the bandwidth to do that, I already lost over an
hour fighting this (I ended up having to hack the font, renaming it in
FontForge), and every day I don’t need to touch an office program is a
better day. I don’t have accounts in upstreams’ bugtrackers, I cannot
respond to the questions they will surely have and I cannot test their
proposed fixes either. While I’m a DD, that does not mean I suddenly am
a developer of *everything* (I have enough with the things I actually
volunteered for), and as a package maintainer, it’s your responsibility
to gate between the users (which, in this case, I am one) and upstream.

> Oh, and I noticed #965236 is also still open, meaning PDF files
>> generated by LibreOffice aren’t legal to distribute…
> Similiar for that one ;)

Hmm, I wonder if the LO origtgz contains PDFs generated by LO and
if that’s grounds to file a request for removal…

Please let’s not go to petty infighting like this. I help out people
with shell, C, assembly, weird porting questions, but here’s where
you can help out with GUI things. I’d rather work in favour of a
better world, but to do that everyone has to help.

When he found out that the m68k port was in a pretty bad shape, he did
not, like many before him, shrug and move on; instead, he took it upon
himself to start compiling things, just so he could compile his shell.
How's that for dedication. -- Wouter, about my Debian/m68k revival

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