Dear Paul,

Le mardi 16 mai 2023, 22:20:37 CEST Paul Gevers a écrit :

> > We don’t have the personpower to backport all these fixes to 5.27.2
> > individually and even if we did it would be a questionable option.
> I think we are aligned on that. But having said that, are there bug you 
> have particularly on your radar? And would it be an option to not cherry 
> pick backport bug fixes, but cherry pick packages with their bug fixes?

I don’t have particular bugs in mind, I think the selection that upstream
makes of bugs that deserve a fix in their stable 5.27 branch makes sense for
us to follow.

You can get an idea of the kind of bugs fixed at [0].
There’s no « fixed in version » field in their bugzilla so I took the list of
bugs reported against 5.27.2..5.27.4 marked as fixed as an approximation.


Also note that some package (build)depend on other packages in the Plasma set
having the exact same upstream version. While not a good argument in itself
that still means we would need to do some version-fu to make the package
cherry-pick option work.

I’ve made some statistics about the 56-package Plasma set and between 5.27.2
(in testing) and 5.27.5 (in experimental) we have :
- 4 packages with no change besides the version bump
- 20 packages with transaltion-only commits (upstream never mentions these in
their release notes)
- 32 remaining packages having code fixes and mentioned in the release note,
including 5 not having an explicit bug id linked

Please find the details in the table below.


| package                   | has          | has non-transl | mentioned in | 
bug fixed in |
|                           | translations | commits        | rel notes    | 
rel notes    |
|breeze-grub                |              |                |              |    
|breeze-plymouth            |              |                |              |    
|layer-shell-qt             |              |                |              |    
|oxygen-sounds              |              |                |              |    
|kactivitymanagerd          |       x      |                |              |    
|kdecoration                |       x      |                |              |    
|kgamma5                    |       x      |                |              |    
|khotkeys                   |       x      |                |              |    
|kmenuedit                  |       x      |                |              |    
|ksshaskpass                |       x      |                |              |    
|ksystemstats               |       x      |                |              |    
|milou                      |       x      |                |              |    
|oxygen                     |       x      |                |              |    
|plasma-bigscreen           |       x      |                |              |    
|plasma-browser-integration |       x      |                |              |    
|kwrited                    |       x      |                |              |    
|plasma-disks               |       x      |                |              |    
|plasma-firewall            |       x      |                |              |    
|plasma-nano                |       x      |                |              |    
|plasma-systemmonitor       |       x      |                |              |    
|plasma-thunderbolt         |       x      |                |              |    
|plasma-vault               |       x      |                |              |    
|plasma-workspace-wallpapers|       x      |                |              |    
|plymouth-kcm               |       x      |                |              |    
|qqc2-breeze-style          |              |        x       |       x      |    
|drkonqi                    |       x      |        x       |       x      |    
|kwallet-pam                |       x      |        x       |       x      |    
|libksysguard               |       x      |        x       |       x      |    
|sddm-kcm                   |       x      |        x       |       x      |    
|breeze-gtk                 |              |        x       |       x      |    
   x      |
|bluedevil                  |       x      |        x       |       x      |    
   x      |
|breeze                     |       x      |        x       |       x      |    
   x      |
|flatpak-kcm                |       x      |        x       |       x      |    
   x      |
|kde-cli-tools              |       x      |        x       |       x      |    
   x      |
|kde-gtk-config             |       x      |        x       |       x      |    
   x      |
|kdeplasma-addons           |       x      |        x       |       x      |    
   x      |
|kinfocenter                |       x      |        x       |       x      |    
   x      |
|kpipewire                  |       x      |        x       |       x      |    
   x      |
|kscreen                    |       x      |        x       |       x      |    
   x      |
|kscreenlocker              |       x      |        x       |       x      |    
   x      |
|kwayland-integration       |       x      |        x       |       x      |    
   x      |
|kwin                       |       x      |        x       |       x      |    
   x      |
|libkscreen                 |       x      |        x       |       x      |    
   x      |
|plasma-desktop             |       x      |        x       |       x      |    
   x      |
|plasma-discover            |       x      |        x       |       x      |    
   x      |
|plasma-integration         |       x      |        x       |       x      |    
   x      |
|plasma-nm                  |       x      |        x       |       x      |    
   x      |
|plasma-pa                  |       x      |        x       |       x      |    
   x      |
|plasma-remotecontrollers   |       x      |        x       |       x      |    
   x      |
|plasma-sdk                 |       x      |        x       |       x      |    
   x      |
|plasma-welcome             |       x      |        x       |       x      |    
   x      |
|plasma-workspace           |       x      |        x       |       x      |    
   x      |
|polkit-kde-agent-1         |       x      |        x       |       x      |    
   x      |
|powerdevil                 |       x      |        x       |       x      |    
   x      |
|systemsettings             |       x      |        x       |       x      |    
   x      |
|xdg-desktop-portal-kde     |       x      |        x       |       x      |    
   x      |

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