Control: found -1 42.1-1

I've also got this error since 3.34.0-1 (exactly), and it still

On 2019-10-23 17:37:50 +0200, Felix Zielcke wrote:
> It seems like the updated mate-session-manager 1.22.2-2 in sid fixes
> the long delay with MATE.
> The original Launchpad bug for this is here:
> But the gkr-pam failure is still in the logs.

I don't use MATE (just FVWM, with logging via lightdm), so, AFAIK,
I've never seen any delay related to that. I'm not aware of any issue,
except that this error is distracting when I look at the logs (it
appears in red in the journalctl output).

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Work: CR INRIA - computer arithmetic / AriC project (LIP, ENS-Lyon)

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