Control: tag -1 patch pending

Cyril Brulebois <> (2023-05-27):
> For the record, those archives end up being published in locations like
> the following, and I definitely expected those to match the firmware
> packages getting shipped into the images, not be some kind of snapshot of
> what's in unstable at the time the release is built!
> We should definitely clarify the situation, and get to the bottom of that
> double firmware build.
> From the log lines quoted above, if both bookworm and sid builds end up
> shipping files in the same destination directory, the last build wins and
> overrides the first one entirely?

I'm considering the following change for the upcoming (pseudo) RC 5 release:

This means nothing changes for weekly builds, which are detected as being
built with DEBVERSION set to “testing” (please note that I didn't
investigate what happens to firmware directories in this case).

Meanwhile, actual releases get that sid job skipped (since the release
specific config file, e.g., sets DEBVERSION to
“bookworm-DI-rc4” instead of sticking to the default “testing” value).

Cyril Brulebois (            <>
D-I release manager -- Release team member -- Freelance Consultant

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