
I indeed have only one webcam (on a Lenovo Thinkpad T490). I think the 2nd instance might be the IR mode of the camera. Weirdly enough, cheese lists 4 (!) instances of the camera, all named "Integrated Camera (V4L2)", two showing a true color image, and showing a greyscale image (I'm guessing IR).

I've tried to reproduce the bug, and now it doesn't seem possible anymore. Qtqr now correclty works, and does not produce a backtrace. I guess it was somewhere in the underlying Qt5 libraries, and they got upgraded in the mean time. As such, I'm fine with closing this bug. Thanks!


On 31.05.23 17:19, georgesk wrote:


thank you for your bug report.

You are telling that when you "Decode from webcam", two webcams with the
same name and identification are listed in a select widget.

Have you more than one physical webcam?

Please can you install another application using webcams, for example
"cheese" and test whether it reports also such a duplicate webcam?

So far, I could not reproduce the bug.

Thank you in advance.                   Georges.

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