Package: installation-reports
Severity: important

(Please provide enough information to help the Debian
maintainers evaluate the report efficiently - e.g., by filling
in the sections below.)

Boot method: USB
Image version:
Date: Mon Jun 12 10:36:38 2023

Machine: Dell Inspiron 5770 Laptop
Partitions: <df -Tl will do; the raw partition table is preferred>

Filesystem     Type      1K-blocks      Used  Available Use% Mounted on
udev           devtmpfs    8088576         0    8088576   0% /dev
tmpfs          tmpfs       1627092      2084    1625008   1% /run
/dev/sda13     ext4       29754436  11586460   16631160  42% /
tmpfs          tmpfs       8135448         0    8135448   0% /dev/shm
tmpfs          tmpfs          5120         8       5112   1% /run/lock
/dev/sda1      vfat        1045784    518720     527064  50% /boot/efi
tmpfs          tmpfs       1627088        96    1626992   1% /run/user/1000
/dev/sdc9      ext4       20466388  13429736    5971692  70% 
/dev/sdc6      ext4       20466388        24   19401404   1% 
/dev/sdc8      ext4       20466388        24   19401404   1% 
/dev/sdc48     ext4       19548884        44   18483884   1% 
/dev/sdc5      ext4       20466388  13859192    5542236  72% 
/dev/sdc44     ext4      360126524 333381292    8378772  98% 
/dev/sdc45     ext4      566548024 493761944   43933856  92% 
/dev/sdc7      ext4       20335316  15417904    3852460  81% 
/dev/sdc42     ext4       40973776   8434044   30426196  22% 
/dev/sdc47     ext4      102101944  31031296   65811388  33% 
/dev/sdc41     ext4      102626052  32503136   64863664  34% 
/dev/sdc43     ext4      103023292  90935052    6828728  94% 
/dev/sdc46     ext4      145451076 132922788    5067068  97% 
/dev/sdc49     ext4     1452125100        28 1378288068   1% 
/dev/sdc40     ext4       20466388         8   19401420   1% 
/dev/sdc38     ext4       30787492  11722248   17475996  41% 
/dev/sdc37     ext4       20466388        24   19401404   1% 
/dev/sdc32     ext4       20466256  12036940    7364356  63% 
/dev/sdc33     ext4       20466256  14898680    4502616  77% 
/dev/sdc30     ext4       30787668        24   29198396   1% 
/dev/sdc36     ext4       20466388        56   19401372   1% 
/dev/sdc3      ext4       20466388        24   19401404   1% 
/dev/sdc28     ext4       30787668   7192480   22005940  25% 
/dev/sdc39     ext4       25627028  15380560    8919364  64% 
/dev/sdc31     ext4       20466256  11794924    7606372  61% 
/dev/sdc34     ext4       20466256   8774700   10626596  46% 
/dev/sdc35     ext4       20466256  12948736    6452560  67% 
/dev/sdc27     ext4       20466388        24   19401404   1% 
/dev/sdc24     ext4       20466388        24   19401404   1% 
/dev/sdc25     ext4       40973776  12348412   26511828  32% 
/dev/sdc4      ext4       20466388        24   19401404   1% 
/dev/sdc26     ext4       20466388   9376144   10025284  49% 
/dev/sdc23     ext4       20466256   8955384   10445912  47% 
/dev/sdc29     btrfs      62914560  24299884   35962196  41% 
/dev/sdc20     ext4       20466256   6770404   12630892  35% 
/dev/sdc22     ext4       20466256  12302416    7098880  64% 
/dev/sdc21     ext4       40973536  12503260   26356740  33% 
/dev/sdc17     ext4       20466388        24   19401404   1% 
/dev/sdc18     ext4       35942016  20946392   13144232  62% 
/dev/sdc12     ext4       20466256   9210872   10190424  48% 
/dev/sdc13     ext4       20466388        24   19401404   1% 
/dev/sdc15     ext4       40973776        24   38860216   1% 
/dev/sdc1      ext4       20466388        24   19401404   1% 
/dev/sdc10     ext4       20466388  12614432    6786996  66% 
/dev/sdc11     ext4       20466388        24   19401404   1% 
/dev/sdc14     ext4       20466388  10672596    8728832  56% 
/dev/sdc19     ext4        4996768    990380    3727860  21% 
/dev/sdc16     ext4       20466256  13598580    5802716  71% 
/dev/sda23     ext4       20466388  14400716    5000712  75% 
/dev/sda22     ext4       20466388  15236356    4165072  79% 
/dev/sda24     ext4       20466388  12746172    6655256  66% 

Base System Installation Checklist:
[O] = OK, [E] = Error (please elaborate below), [ ] = didn't try it

Initial boot:           [O]
Detect network card:    [O]
Configure network:      [O]
Detect media:           [O]
Load installer modules: [O]
Clock/timezone setup:   [O]
User/password setup:    [O]
Detect hard drives:     [O]
Partition hard drives:  [O]
Install base system:    [O]
Install tasks:          [O]
Install boot loader:    [E]
Overall install:        [E]


<Description of the install, in prose, and any thoughts, comments
      and ideas you had during the initial install.>

Install went fine to 68% then Error Installation Failed - Command 
/usr/sbin/bootloader-config failed to finish in 600 seconds

SUGGESTION - extend timeout for bootloader-config from 10 minutes to 60 minutes

Please make sure that any installation logs that you think would
be useful are attached to this report. (You can find them in the
installer system in /var/log/ and later on the installed system
under /var/log/installer.) Please compress large files using gzip.

Not created because installer failed

-- Package-specific info:

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