Hi Thorsten,

Am Thu, Jun 08, 2023 at 07:00:10PM +0000 schrieb Thorsten Alteholz:
> is there a reason why these fonts are located in /usr/lib/R ?

Well, since the R install procedure does it this way. ;-)

> Wouldn't it make sense to move them to the normal fonts directories and just 
> reference them from the R world?

I've changed the packaging to fit your wish which is IMHO pure academic.

> Several are already packaged for Debian as regular fonts ...

There are some font packages featuring the same names of the directories
the font files are located in.  However, the single font files shipped
have no equivalent names inside any Debian package.  I'd consider it
pretty fragile to guess what Debian packaged font file might possibly
fit the file in r-cran-gfont.  I've checked this in advance before my
first upload.
I've just uploaded r-cran-gfonts with the fonts moved to
to new.

Kind regards


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