
On Thu, 15 Jun 2023 17:38:27 +0200 Chris Hofstaedtler <z...@debian.org>
> For Debian we just do the Debian thing: do not ship static libraries
> except for very narrow within-Debian-use-cases.

Don't wanna come off too abrasive here, but:
$ apt-file search -lx '^/usr/lib/.*\.a$' | sort | uniq | wc -l

That doesn't look very narrow 😅
Also, policy explicitly mentions it as "usually provided"[0], which -
granted - doesn't mean you *have* to do it, but does kinda endorse it.

Just because we (via policy) forbid linking statically within debian,
it shouldn't mean we have to unnecessarily alienate out users (in this
case myself 🙈) when they want to do it on their systems.

> I think if you do custom stuff for minimal containers etc, its best
> if you bring your own libraries and do not rely on development
> packages intended -for- Debian packages.

Not sure I understand the reasoning: a library is a tool, in the
broadest sense. Our users rely on debian providing a usable gcc to
build stuff, just as they rely on us providing libs for them to link
against, dynamically or otherwise. AFAICT there's nothing particularly
debian-specific about this?

But don't get me wrong: if there's a technical reason I'm overlooking,
then the points above are irrelevant, of course.



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