On 20/06/23 13:54, Nick Hastings wrote:

As far as I know the d/copyright file covers everything.

Or is there a licensing issue here?

I don't think there is a licensing issue.

It is the specifics of the d/copyright file I produced. Please see the
RFS bug for details.

Will take a look. Thanks.

I have created a zig-team namespace on salsa and I've invited you there.
We can move the packaging work there as it will make it easier for
potential contributors to find it.

I joined it.

Great let's get the zig package there.

Also is there any particular reason you are only committing the debian

That is all that exists in the repo. Builds are done by downloading the
source with uscan with the info from the d/watch file. I did try to look
into keeping upstream in the same repo but I didn't find a clear path
forward. So I just stuck with what I am currently doing since it works
and from the documentation I have read is not "incorrect". If you could
recommend specific documentation for this I can have a look.

I do find the ruby team's approach to be very nice here. Adding link to a sample ruby package for reference[0]. The approach is to keep the
upstream files and tar ball deltas in separate branches (upstream and
pristine-tar). The tooling makes maintaining this pretty seamless.
Please take a look at these page for more information:
- https://wiki.debian.org/SimplePackagingTutorial
- https://wiki.abrahamraji.in/simple-packaging-tutorial.html

[0]: https://salsa.debian.org/ruby-team/atig


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