Source: r-cran-rgeos
Version: 0.6-1-1
Severity: important
Tags: upstream patch
Usertags: geos-3.12

Dear Maintainer,

The autopkgtest of your package fail with GEOS 3.12 from experimental:

 == Failed tests 
 -- Error ('test-misc.R:50'): gNearestPoints works with different geometries as 
inputs --
 Error: Unable to parse: MULTIPOLYGON(((34 54, 60 34, 60 54, 34 54),            
                   (50 50, 52 50, 52 48, 50 48, 50 50)),                        
      ((100 100, 150 100, 150 150, 100 150, 100 100),                           
    (120 120, 120 130, 130 130, 130 120, 120 120))))
 GEOS reported: "rgeos_readWKT: unable to read wkt"
  1. \-rgeos::readWKT("MULTIPOLYGON(((34 54, 60 34, 60 54, 34 54),\n            
                   (50 50, 52 50, 52 48, 50 48, 50 50)),\n                      
        ((100 100, 150 100, 150 150, 100 150, 100 100),\n                       
        (120 120, 120 130, 130 130, 130 120, 120 120))))") at test-misc.R:50:2
  2.   \-base::tryCatch(...)
  3.     \-base (local) tryCatchList(expr, classes, parentenv, handlers)
  4.       \-base (local) tryCatchOne(expr, names, parentenv, handlers[[1L]])
  5.         \-value[[3L]](cond)
 [ FAIL 1 | WARN 28 | SKIP 0 | PASS 116 ]
 Error: Test failures

The attached patch resolves the issue.

Upstream mentioned they fixed the issue in 0.6-4 which is not on CRAN yet at 
time of writing.


Kind Regards,

Description: Fix test failure with GEOS 3.12.0.
 Should be fixed upstream in 0.6-4:
Author: Bas Couwenberg <>
Forwarded: not-needed

--- a/tests/testthat/test-misc.R
+++ b/tests/testthat/test-misc.R
@@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ test_that("gNearestPoints works with dif
   g2 <- readWKT("MULTIPOLYGON(((34 54, 60 34, 60 54, 34 54),
                                (50 50, 52 50, 52 48, 50 48, 50 50)),
                               ((100 100, 150 100, 150 150, 100 150, 100 100),
-                               (120 120, 120 130, 130 130, 130 120, 120 
+                               (120 120, 120 130, 130 130, 130 120, 120 
   expect_identical(coord(gNearestPoints(g1, g2)),
                    coord(readWKT("MULTIPOINT(35 60, 35 54)")))
   expect_identical(gDistance(g1, g2), 6)

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