severity 1038416 serious
tags 1038416 + patch bookworm

Hi all,

Here we go, there is a better solution.
It is possible to install and enable a third unit file such as:

+++ /etc/systemd/system/proftpd-run.service:

Description=ProFTPD FTP Server in standalone/socket mode

ExecStart=/usr/bin/grep -iqE '^[[:space:]]*ServerType[[:space:]]+standalone$' 


Here one can enable only this service and install only the other ones.

systemctl disable proftpd.service
systemctl disable proftpd.socket
systemctl enable --now proftpd-run.service

do the task.

I would add this solution to git and prepare an ad hoc p-u for bookworm, but I'd prefer having a go from the release team, before that.

- cheers

On Tue, Jun 20, 2023 at 08:42:57PM +0200, Francesco P. Lovergine wrote:
For reference, all this is a side effect of the proposed fix for #991266,
strangely not caught at the time.

On Tue, Jun 20, 2023 at 08:00:19PM +0200, Francesco P. Lovergine wrote:
Bruno, that's right

Unfortunately yes: originally the socket unit file was concepted as an example
file to keep into the documentation and the Conflicts there does not ensure that the .socket unit is ignored when the .service is enabled.

The simplest workaroud is

systemctl disable --now proftpd.socket
systemctl enable --now proftpd.service

but the initial installation is definitively broken, because proftpd starts as a systemd socket, which is not intended by the distributed proftpd.conf.

Hilmar, the simplest thing to do is probably addig a mask/disable of 
proftpd.socket at postinst time,
and an enable --now for the proftpd.service, when server should be run in standalone mode (check via grepping proftpd.conf), after installing systemd stuff in --no-enable --no-start mode.

This is of course not completely fair because ignores xinetd/inetd setup.

Francesco P. Lovergine

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