
> Debian unstable already has 1.3.3-1, so when you mean "debian" I suspect
> you mean Debian stable, i.e. bookworm?
yes, I mean bookworm.

> Also, you mention that this requires an update of python3-nftables. Can
> you elaborate here?
> stable currently ships 1.0.6-2, unstable 1.0.7-2
I can confirm that sid works. Im actually not quite sure, which version im
using. I used a local penv environment und used this command to install
nftables module:

python3 -m pip install 

Im not sure which version it is. It states nftables 0.1 which is proably

I installed a  VM very quick to confirm that sid is working which it is. But i
think this issue is important enough to make it to bookworm.

Konstantin Nebel

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