On Wed, 21 Jun 2023 23:16:58 +0100, bl...@debian.org wrote:

> libsys-info-driver-linux-perl is currently referencing /etc/timezone
> without support for /etc/localtime. /etc/timezone is a legacy
> interface that is Debian specific. The cross-distro standard
> /etc/localtime (as a symlink to the appropriate timezone file), so
> please switch your package to /etc/localtime. tzsetup will stop
> creating /etc/timezone soon.

/etc/localtime is a _text_ file, containing the name of the timezone;
/etc/timezone is a symlink to the corresponding _binary_ timezone

The code in lib/Sys/Info/Driver/Linux/OS.pm just reads the text from
/etc/localtime currently; replacing it with /etc/localtime therefore
won't work.

Is there any facility to get the name of the timezone out of
/etc/localtime (short of following the symlink and mangling the
target file name)?


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