On Fri 31 Mar 2023 09:41:16 +0200, Marc Haber wrote:
> Please add your reasons to this bug, so that the sudo maintainers can
> properly consider the reasons in their decision.

I personally DON'T need sudo-ldap anymore.

1. I ran sudo-ldap + slapd on an Ubuntu 10.04 farm until 2022.
   It was mainly for things like "sudo eject" (back when blank CDs were 
expensive, and HAL was still a thing) and
   "sudo ldapadduser" (to let managers onboard staff & create mailing lists 
without sysadmin help).

   I was planning to replace it with a "pure" samba AD stack, but the 
Windows-iness just got Too Hard, so
   I ended up going back to plain /etc/shadow and /etc/sudoers.d, now managed 
by ansible.

2. I set up sssd in 2022 at another site, on SLES 12, aimed at a Windows AD 
   I wasn't allowed to use sssd for sudo, though, so that site is still using 
sudoers.d (also via ansible).
   It wasn't clear if sssd-sudo required me to add additional schemata to AD, 
like sudoers-ldap does.
   If NOT, that would definitely be an advantage for sssd-ldap over sudo-ldap 

3. I run de Jong's libnss-ldapd / libpam-ldapd at another site, and it works 
well there, but again,
   the sudo rules are simple enough they get hard-coded into sudoers.d.
   I like https://manpages.debian.org/slapo-ppolicy.

4. For automated machine-to-machine jobs (e.g. zfs send/receive) I prefer to 
skip sudo altogether.
   For example, I now use https://manpages.debian.org/zfs-allow to let a 
non-root system user
   "zfs-receive-trinity" have permission to mess with ZFS dataset 

   I've been thinking about https://archive.org/details/lca2020-Zero_Trust_SSH 
   right now I'm still just using Ed25519 keypairs for everything.

5. One thing I do really appreciate is that the sudoers.ldap objects
   are MUCH easier to understand than an equivalent sudoers.d config file.

        dn: cn=responsible,ou=groups,o=cyber
        objectClass: posixGroup
        description: Staff responsible for OUR systems and networks.
        description: I often reflect that if "privileges" had been called 
"responsibilities" or "duties", I would have saved thousands of hours 
explaining to people why they were only gonna get them over my dead body. -- 
Lee K. Gleason, VMS sysadmin
        gidNumber: 2049
        memberUID: twb
        memberUID: REDACTED

        dn: cn=defaults,ou=sudoers,o=cyber
        objectClass: sudoRole
        sudoOption: always_set_home
        sudoOption: env_reset
        sudoOption: ignore_dot
        sudoOption: ignore_local_sudoers
        sudoOption: insults
        sudoOption: !setenv
        sudoOption: set_logname

        dn: cn=%responsible,ou=sudoers,o=cyber
        objectClass: sudoRole
        sudoUser: %responsible
        sudoHost: ALL
        sudoRunAsUser: ALL
        sudoRunAsGroup: ALL
        sudoCommand: ALL
        sudoOption: !authenticate

        dn: cn=bbq,ou=sudoers,o=cyber
        description: Staff need this to burn CDs and DVDs on BBQ.
        objectClass: sudoRole
        sudoUser: %cyber
        sudoHost: bbq
        sudoRunAsGroup: cdrom
        sudoCommand: /usr/bin/wodim
        sudoCommand: /usr/bin/cdrecord
        sudoOption: noexec

   When I read an /etc/sudoers.d/ugh.conf I often start by reading
   https://manpages.debian.org/sudoers.ldap just so I don't go mad.

   If sudo could have the sudo-ldap format in flat file, I'd be happier.
   At least in cases when I have more than "%sudo (ALL:ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL".
   As an analogy, consider how much nicer it is now we can use
       /etc/apt/sources.list.d/debian.sources (deb822 format)
   instead of the old
       /etc/apt/sources.list.d/debian.list    (legacy format)

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