On 6/27/23 18:14, Yves-Alexis Perez wrote:
On Tue, 2023-06-27 at 12:22 +0200, Arturo Borrero Gonzalez wrote:
I just upgraded lightdm from 1.26.0-8 to 1.32.0-2 and now the greeter wont let 
login after a session lock (like a laptop suspend or CTRL+ALT+L on xfce4).

This can be found in the logs:

Jun 27 12:08:28 endurance lightdm[91911]: pam_unix(lightdm-greeter:session): 
session opened for user lightdm(uid=108) by (uid=0)
Jun 27 12:08:29 endurance lightdm[92079]: pam_unix(lightdm:auth): auth could 
not identify password for [arturo]
Jun 27 12:08:38 endurance lightdm[935]: Session pid=92114: Invalid string 
length 1869348864 from child
Jun 27 12:08:38 endurance lightdm[92114]: pam_nologin(lightdm:auth): unexpected 
response from failed conversation function
Jun 27 12:08:38 endurance lightdm[92114]: No user selected during authentication
Jun 27 12:08:38 endurance lightdm[92114]: pam_nologin(lightdm:auth): cannot 
determine user name

So I suspect there is a bug somewhere in the stack.

Hi Arturo, it does look like there's something fishy from the "Invalid string
length 1869348864" (which looks way too high). Is that reproducible everytime
? Is there something specific/peculiar about your installation? I assume
you're using light-locker as your screen locker?

Hi there,

I have experienced the same problem in 2 different systems.
However, I have the strong suspicion that this happened in the same context: upgrading the system.

I need a few more days to pass by, but I have the hunch that after a reboot this problem goes away. I didn't see it happening again after being hit by it those 2 times in a row (which triggered me to open this bug).

To your question: yes, I'm using light-locker.

Thanks for the follow up, I'll keep you updated in the next few days.

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