On 2023-06-28, Andre Noll wrote:
> On Tue, Jun 27, 14:55, Vagrant Cascadian wrote
>> > This issue was addressed already four years ago when Chris Lamb (CC)
>> > submitted an analogous patch, see below. His patch has been part of the
>> > master branch since then, although no new version has been released.
>> >
>> > I therefore assume that there is nothing to do for me in this
>> > regard. Please let me know if this is not the case.
>> Given that this change was accepted in 2019, would you consider
>> uploading a version with the fixes applied to Debian, either by making a
>> new upstream version, or applying the patches to an older version?
> Will do. FWIW: There are also a few unrelated patches pending. My
> plan is to merge these next weekend and then release v1.0.4.
> All I have to do to get the new version into Debian is to add a stanza
> to debian/changelog, and tag the tip commit, correct?

Be sure to add Closes: #NNN for all the relevent bug numbers to

It also needs someone to upload to Debian. Looks like Adam Borowski
<kilob...@angband.pl> has sponsored in the past, but if you need someone
else to sponsor the upload, I could too.

Possibly also updating debian/copyright. Building the packages and
running lintian might also have some suggestions to improve the
package. The old package has a few issues (though most seem to be the
gzip timestamp warnings):


live well,

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