Hi Andreas

On 06/07/2023 22:09, Andreas Tille wrote:
It comes from this line:

More precisely the “r-base-core (>= $rbase_version)” part, which
imposes an unnecessarily tight restriction on the r-base-core version.
Got it, thanks for the explanation.  This restriction existed since the
early stage of dh-r development


by Gordon Ball (in CC but not really active in R pkg team any more) at
2016-09-04 12:28:57 +0200 .  I'm guessing this restriction was obtained
from the cdbs helper that existed before the dh support was created by
Gordon and he simply took over what existed there.  The according line
in the initial commit of dh-r is

I'm pretty sure I cargo-culted it from the previous CDBS helper when writing dh-r. I assumed it was meant to allow for non-backwards compatible bytecode, but I'm not sure I investigated the exact semantics it was meant to be enforcing. I concur that it sounds like the `$rapiversion` dependency is probably sufficient.

(Yes, I'm afraid I don't really have an ongoing interest in R - I used it a lot in academia, but it hasn't really featured in professional life since then).


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