Package: waagent

Hi dear Debian dev team,

I've just installed a new Debian 12 VM and uploaded it to Microsoft Azure. It 
is a minimal installation, even no standard packages. And I'm having a problem 
with waagent, which I've never seen before on Debian 11.

After installing of waagent it doesn't start properly:

  *   The directory /var/lib/waagent stays empty.
  *   The Azure website shows that the agent is not installed (see the 
screenshot in attachment).
  *   On the console of the VM I'm repeatedly getting the following:
     *   2023-07-10T10:37:45.473554Z INFO Daemon Daemon cloud-init is enabled: 
     *   2023-07-10T10:37:45.478989Z WARNING Daemon Daemon cloud-init does not 
appear to be enabled
     *   2023-07-10T10:43:05.552742Z INFO Daemon Daemon Waiting for cloud-init 
to copy ovf-env.xml to /var/lib/waagent/ovf-env.xml [1160 retries remaining, 
sleeping 1s between retries]
     *   2023-07-10T10:43:05.572947Z INFO Daemon Daemon Unable to get 
cloud-init enabled status from systemctl: Command '['systemctl', 'is-enabled', 
'cloud-init-local.service']' returned non-zero exit status 1.
     *   2023-07-10T10:43:05.597817Z INFO Daemon Daemon Unable to get 
cloud-init enabled status from service: Command '['service', 'cloud-init', 
'status']' returned non-zero exit status 4.

The VM image was created "at home" on a Hyper-V host by installing from the 
network ISO image of Debian 12, downloaded yesterday. No packages were 
selected, also standard system utilities were not selected. Then the virtual 
hard disk was transferred to Azure and mounted to the Azure VM with installing 
of the waagent afterwards, by running:

  *   apt update && apt full-upgrade && apt autoremove
  *   apt install waagent

Appreciate any help!

Thanks and kind regards,
Alexander K.

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