Il giorno mer 12 lug 2023 alle 14:19:34 +02:00:00, Bastian Germann <> ha scritto:
When you fix the unstable version via a patch and later upgrade to a new upstream version there is almost no additional work. So please go that route.

Yeah but this time I had already upgraded to a new upstream version (for experimental and now unstable), so it was easier for me to just create a new debian/bookworm git branch and backport the fix there.

Your new version still has an experimental 0.12 in the changelog that was never uploaded.

I'd prefer not to remove the experimental 0.12 from the changelog, since I have already uploaded everything to git and mentors. It's also something that actually happened, but I simply didn't find a sponsor in time and a new unstable release was prepared before uploading the experimental one. Unless I really _must_ remove the experimental entry from the changelog and git history I'd prefer to keep everything as is; it just looks like wasted effort to me, and I'd like to spend my time packaging a new yuzu version instead :)

I've uploaded the bookworm-security branch on Git, see <>. I'm unable to upload it to mentors because bookworm-security hasn't been added to the site yet.

I think that everything is ok, but Lintian is giving me this error:

E: cpp-httplib changes: bad-distribution-in-changes-file bookworm-security
N: You've specified an unknown target distribution for your upload in the N: debian/changelog file. It is possible that you are uploading for a N: different distribution than the one Lintian is checking for. In that case,
   N: passing --profile $VENDOR may fix this warning.
N: Note that the distributions non-free and contrib are no longer valid. N: You'll have to use distribution unstable and Section: non-free/xxx or
   N: Section: contrib/xxx instead.
N: Please refer to Distribution (Section 5.6.14) in the Debian Policy Manual
   N: for details.
   N: Visibility: error
   N: Show-Always: no
   N: Check: fields/distribution

If you think that this is a false positive, I can continue with the process.

Thanks :D

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