
On Thu, 13 Jul 2023 21:27:09 +0200
Emanuele Rocca <e...@debian.org> wrote:

> On 2023-07-01 04:18, Roman Mamedov wrote:
> > There are 42 DTBs shipped with the installer for Allwinner alone:
> > https://d-i.debian.org/daily-images/arm64/daily/device-tree/allwinner/
> > 
> > But for the bootloader aka firmware aka u-boot:
> > https://d-i.debian.org/daily-images/arm64/daily/netboot/SD-card-images/
> > it is an extremely weird and arbitrary list of 12 random boards. For 
> > instance
> > supporting "Orange Pi Zero Plus2" of all things specifically, not even just
> > "Zero Plus"; and not, say, Orange Pi Prime or Orange Pi Win (and so on).
> The choice of 12 boards does indeed look a little puzzling. Having no
> historical background on this, I can try and guess that they were added
> on a case-by-case basis every time someone needed to boot the installer
> on their system. Out of interest: do you have a board that's not among
> the lucky 12? :-)

Yes, as a weird coincidence with my initial message, I have an Orange Pi Prime
and Orange Pi Win. :)

> > So despite having all the other DTBs, the system is not installable on those
> > boards. Unless the user is sent to find and compile their own u-boot, but if
> > so, what is the purpose of randomly providing it for 12 random niche boards 
> > to
> > begin with, might as well make everyone do that.
> > 
> > Instead, I suggest a better solution: maybe not even daily, but at least 
> > once
> > per month, could you build a bootloader part for ALL the supported boards, 
> > and
> > not just a handful of them.
> In an ideal world we would have just one single image that works on all
> systems! That's one of the ideas behind the Arm SystemReady
> certification program at least: making sure that the board can boot a
> regular, unmodified distro ISO without any additional blobs.
> We don't live in such a world unfortunately, at least not yet and not
> for all boards. I'm not sure we should have one different image for each
> DTB honestly. I'd rather go for having no custom images at all, but a
> very simple procedure to build your own image for your board. Maybe in
> the form of documentation, or a script, or both.

There isn't really an image per board, but at least a clever system of
concatenating a board-specific bootloader and a board-agnostic rest of the
image. That looks reasonable enough, and I suppose building the current
12 bootloaders is automated. Maybe add all 42 to that automation for now?

With respect,

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