On Thu, 20 Jul 2023 12:15:25 +0200 Thomas Parmelan
<tom+deb...@ankh.fr.eu.org> wrote:

Some interesting ideas in here - i think i am missing something though:

> The systemd journal is checked by default, in addition to rsyslog files,
> starting with logcheck version 1.4.1. But the format of timestamps are
> different by default for journal (uses the old-school format: "Jul 20
> 11:51:03") and rsyslog >= 8.2210.0-3 (uses an RFC3339-compatible format:
> "2023-07-20T11:51:03.046581+0200"). So logcheck cannot compare them
> correctly.

I understand until the word "compare" here - are you saying that rules
don't match entries from rsyslog or from systemd? because both seem to
be matched fine for me!

> Also, journalctl can emit multi-line logs, whereas rsyslog cannot.
> The attached patch adds a new ISO_TIMESTAMPS config variable to the logcheck
> script, allowing logcheck to:
>   - call journalctl with "-o short-iso-precise" in order to get a
>     nearly-RFC3339-compatible timestamp
>   - add the missing ':' between the timezone hours and minutes to convert the
>     journalctl shot-iso-precise timestamp to the exact RFC3339 timestamp
>     format used by rsyslog

I think my question above is related to this bullet: a typical prefix
in the logcheck-database of rules is

^(\w{3} [ :0-9]{11}|[0-9T:.+-]{32})

which should match both rules without needing to change the format,
and includes a : wherever it occurs.... have we got something wrong in
this, and if so, what?

>   - join continuous lines (lines starting with whitespace) from
>     journalctl output, as rsyslog only logs them as one line

this part i understand (although i didnt check the sed logic closely)
and agree it would be worth doing: is it definitely correct that a
blank line is always a continuation line like this?

>   - handle SORTUNIQ correctly even when using ISO_TIMESTAMPS

i didnt understand this bit of the patch (copied below):- it seems to
have a lot of repetition, and introduce a call to 'uniq', but only

(i also wonder why anything is better than just 'sort -u' regardless
of timestamp format): can you explain what the issue is that is being

-if [ "$SORTUNIQ" -eq 1 ];then
-   SORT="sort -u"
-   SORT="sort -k 1,3 -s"

- $SORT "$TMPDIR/logoutput"/* | sed -e 's/[[:space:]]\+$//' >
"$TMPDIR/logoutput-sorted" \
+# Use "sort -u" or "sort ... | uniq"
+if [ "$SORTUNIQ" -eq 1 ];then
+ SORT_OPTS="-u"
+ sort $SORT_OPTS "$TMPDIR/logoutput"/* | sed -e 's/[[:space:]]\+$//'
> "$TMPDIR/logoutput-sorted" \
+   || error "Could not save sorted log content to
+ if [ "$ISO_TIMESTAMPS" -eq 1 ]; then
+     SORT_OPTS="-k 1 -s"
+ else
+     SORT_OPTS="-k 1,3 -s"
+ fi
+ sort $SORT_OPTS "$TMPDIR/logoutput"/* | sed -e 's/[[:space:]]\+$//'
| uniq > "$TMPDIR/logoutput-sorted" \
    || error "Could not save sorted log content to

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