Control: tag -1 confirmed

On Mon, Jul 03, 2023 at 02:39:58PM +0200, Andreas Beckmann wrote:
> There is a path canonicalization bug in update-shells that may lead to
> - insertion of duplicate entries in /etc/shells
> - failure to remove obsolete entries from /etc/shells
> on merged-/usr systems. This is triggered if the shell itself is a
> symlink, e.g. in 9base it is managed via update-alternatives.
> Furthermore the handling of /bin/sh by update-shells was inconsistent
> with all other shells, e.g. update-shells didn't generate the
> corresponding /usr/bin/sh entry (while usrmerge did).
> Miscanonicalization could also lead to invalid (i.e. nonexistent) paths
> added to /etc/shells, although that does not happen with the packages
> currently in the archive.

Please go ahead.


Jonathan Wiltshire                            
Debian Developer               

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