On Sat, 22 Jul 2023 at 15:48, james.bottom...@hansenpartnership.com
<james.bottom...@hansenpartnership.com> wrote:
> The systemd chkrootkit.timer has this line:
> OnBootSec=30min
> Which means it runs 30 minutes after a reboot.  I tend to upgrade my servers
> in the early morning, which means it's still running when people start using
> the services (and it is very disk heavy so they notice the slowdown).
> Ideally this should run from cron.daily so it can be sequenced with all the
> other daily services.  However, if you insist on running it from systemd, can
> it at least have an OnCalendar timer set from a config file, so I can
> sequence it to begin at night?

Hi - you should be able to do this without any changes to the package:

systemctl edit chkrootkit.timer

and add/change the settings in a drop-in file directly to have it run
when you like - there's no point duplicating such things in the
chkrootkit config file. Using systemd's built-in methods is more
flexible and avoids having to edit dpkg conffiles and get prompts on
future upgrades.

You can also disable the .timer entirely and make a local script to
run from cron.daily:

systemctl disable chkrootkit.timer
ln -s /usr/sbin/chkrootkit-daily/ /etc/cron.daily/local-chkrootkit
# untested, but you get the idea

For better or worse, debian has chosen to make systemd the default.
This does require doing things in different ways, but it is actually a
lot more flexible.

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