On Sun, 23 Jul 2023, 11:19 David Bremner, <da...@tethera.net> wrote:

> Richard Lewis <richard.lewis.deb...@googlemail.com> writes:
> > I suspect a plain chroot isnt 'enough', i had success with
> systemd-nspawn:
> >
> Not sure what you mean here. The reproducer using chroot you posted
> works fine for me, it's just that AFAICT the real bug is the emacs
> upgrade failing (and more precisely, in emacs being unable to run a
> simple batch-byte-compile command after the new version is installed),
> nothing to do with addon packages.

i may be wrong, but i suspect there are two separate issues:

- a previously undetected bug where upgrading emacs in a plain chroot
doesnt work. clearly emacs can be upgraded on a normal system or in a
container or it would have been spotted well before now. my guess is that
this will be found to be caused by emacs relying in some complex way on
some feature of a "real" system not suported by plain old chroots..( i have
no idea what but maybe it needs /dev/pts mounted or i think inotify might
not work in a chroot).

- upgrading emacs and dh-elpa and (some) packages made using dh-elpa doesnt
properly remove the "old" directories in /usr/share/emacs. (#1040690)

it is not obvious to me that fixing the first will help with the second,
because if we do everything in a systemd-nspawn container we dont hit the
first but at all, but do still see the second. (and the second is the one
that im really hoping someone can solve !)

of couse this is just my speculation, and may all be nonsense.

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