Control: found -1 4:7.5.4~rc1-1

Control: fixed -1 4:7.6.0~rc1-1

Am 24.07.23 um 19:27 schrieb Helmut Grohne:
Control: reopen -1
Control: found -1 4:7.5.5-2
Control: found -1 4:7.5.5~rc1-2

On Mon, Jul 24, 2023 at 08:09:07AM +0000, Debian Bug Tracking System wrote:
08:26 < helmut> _rene_: re libreoffice (short on time atm): seems like I messed 
something                 up, please close my report. (...)
Further context here. On IRC you also said that this was fixed in
experimental. 20:51  * _rene_ lost hope

What? I didn't say anything on IRC about this.

And I said experimental (NEW). I even pointed to libreoffice-uiconfig-* of 7.6 (-> NEW)

Also note that experimentals version is LOWER than sids.

So obviously "fixed in experimental" does not make any sense here otherwise.

In contrast *YOU* said it could be closed. I followed.


All of those are in -draw *and* draw-nogui (and those two conflict, so OK).

That's where they belong (well, probably not needed in -nogui but anyway.)

What looks missing indeed is some Replaces, I bumped them to go sure hopefully.

And as said in 7.6 it's fixed since the uiconfig-impress package should have the correct Replaces:



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