On Sun, 30 Jul 2023 04:25:59 +0000, Scott Kitterman wrote:

> >I'm now build-depending on publicsuffix and copying effective_tld_names.dat
> >from the publicsuffix package over the shipped version in
> >override_dh_auto_configure.
> >(The perl bindings in /usr/share/perl5/Mozilla/PublicSuffix.pm are
> >generated from effective_tld_names.dat at configure time.)
> The publicsuffix package is often updated. If you do it that way,
> you won't get the new version without rebuilding the package. I'd
> suggest using Depends and installing a symlink to the file it
> provides, so you always get the current version's data.

Right, it would make sense to get the newest data.

Unfortunately the symlink approach won't work, as the data from
effective_tld_names.dat is added to the perl module _at build time_.
effective_tld_names.dat is neither included in the binary package nor
used _at run time_.

So in the end I guess we need to patch lib/Mozilla/PublicSuffix.pm to
read /usr/share/publicsuffix/effective_tld_names.dat dynamically …


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