Usertags: remove
Control: affects -1 src:theano src:deepnano src:keras
Control: reopen 1026539
Control: reopen 1027215

theano has been mostly abandoned upstream since 2018. (The Aesara fork is not abandoned, but includes interface changes including the import name, so would break reverse dependencies not specifically altered to use it. Neither of the two in Debian are so altered.)

Since numpy 1.24, theano has been completely broken (won't even import). Some parts of this are fixable (#1033589), but other parts have no known fix (#1027215). Note that the "OK" status on Salsa CI is *not* an actual fix, but is because theano skips most of its tests in Salsa CI because they take several hours.

theano's reverse dependencies (keras and deepnano) are both also broken by this. keras _also_ has apparently unrelated problems, #1026738, and is orphaned, #1027938.

This was previously discussed in #1027215 (on, among others, deepnano's team list), where it was noted that removing keras would also block the addition of qmean (ITP #976981), but attempts to fix theano failed.

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