El 2023-08-01 11:22 PYT, Dylan Aïssi escribió:
> Do you have pipewire-libcamera installed? If yes, can you remove it?

"pipewire-libcamera" doesn't appear anywhere under /var/log/apt so I
think it's never been installed.

> Can you provide log from pipewire and wireplumber as explained here [1]?

I'm attaching the result of

   $ journalctl --user-unit=pipewire --user-unit=wireplumber \
   --user-unit=pipewire-pulse  --since="2023-07-29" \
   --until="2023-07-30" > log1.txt

which I think includes the result of my first boot into debian 12, soon
followed by my killing wireplumber.  Hope that helps.

> Best regards,
> Dylan

Thanks for replying, I'll try to supply more if needed.
Asunción 12:03 PYT ►  30.7°C  ◆  cielo claro  ◆  22Km/h NNE  ◆  40% HR
Jul 29 10:45:59 argon systemd[1380]: Stopping Multimedia Service...
Jul 29 10:45:59 argon pipewire-media-session[1419]: error id:0 seq:164 res:-32 
(Broken pipe): connection error
Jul 29 10:45:59 argon systemd[1380]: pipewire.service: Succeeded.
Jul 29 10:45:59 argon systemd[1380]: Stopped Multimedia Service.
Jul 29 10:45:59 argon systemd[1380]: pipewire.service: Consumed 40.688s CPU 
-- Boot 1fda9ee2cfc54a14bbab068213dac2d7 --
Jul 29 10:46:53 argon systemd[1422]: Started pipewire.service - PipeWire 
Multimedia Service.
Jul 29 10:46:53 argon systemd[1422]: Started wireplumber.service - Multimedia 
Service Session Manager.
Jul 29 10:46:53 argon systemd[1422]: Started pipewire-pulse.service - PipeWire 
Jul 29 10:46:53 argon pipewire[1438]: mod.rt: Can't find 
org.freedesktop.portal.Desktop. Is xdg-desktop-portal running?
Jul 29 10:46:53 argon pipewire-pulse[1440]: mod.rt: Can't find 
org.freedesktop.portal.Desktop. Is xdg-desktop-portal running?
Jul 29 10:46:53 argon pipewire-pulse[1440]: mod.rt: found session bus but no 
Jul 29 10:46:53 argon pipewire[1438]: mod.rt: found session bus but no portal
Jul 29 10:46:53 argon wireplumber[1439]: Can't find 
org.freedesktop.portal.Desktop. Is xdg-desktop-portal running?
Jul 29 10:46:53 argon wireplumber[1439]: found session bus but no portal
Jul 29 10:46:54 argon wireplumber[1439]: Failed to set scheduler settings: 
Operation not permitted
Jul 29 10:46:54 argon wireplumber[1439]: SPA handle 
'api.libcamera.enum.manager' could not be loaded; is it installed?
Jul 29 10:46:54 argon wireplumber[1439]: PipeWire's libcamera SPA missing or 
broken. libcamera not supported.
Jul 29 10:46:54 argon wireplumber[1439]: SPA handle 'api.bluez5.enum.dbus' 
could not be loaded; is it installed?
Jul 29 10:46:54 argon wireplumber[1439]: PipeWire's BlueZ SPA missing or 
broken. Bluetooth not supported.
Jul 29 10:46:54 argon wireplumber[1439]: <WpSiAudioAdapter:0x557570e8a070> 
Object activation aborted: proxy destroyed
Jul 29 10:46:54 argon wireplumber[1439]: <WpSiAudioAdapter:0x557570e8a070> 
failed to activate item: Object activation aborted: proxy destroyed
Jul 29 10:53:05 argon wireplumber[1439]: stopped by signal: Terminated
Jul 29 10:53:05 argon wireplumber[1439]: disconnected from pipewire
Jul 29 10:53:05 argon systemd[1422]: wireplumber.service: Consumed 5min 6.906s 
CPU time.

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